Care of your Persian. With their doll-like faces, sparkling eyes, gorgeous fur, and gentle disposition, it’s nearly impossible to ignore Persian cats. This longhair beauty is the most popular cat breed and holds celebrity status in the feline world. Persian cats are amiable and have an easygoing nature which makes them ideal house pets. The beauty of this breed is hard to resist but people have some misconceptions about Persian cats. One of the most common misconceptions is that it’s hard to take care of Persian cats. This is absolutely wrong!

When you adopt any pet you must bear in mind that you’ll need to give your new pet care, attention, and plenty of love. When you bring a Persian kitten home, it needs the same level of attention and care that any other pet would require. Persian cats are no different than any other cat breed. The only exception is the beautiful Persian coat which needs a little more care. However, taking care of that soft, thick coat should not be an issue because you pick this particular breed for that majestic coat.

So if you’re planning to get a Persian kitten or have already got one, here are some helpful tips that can make caring for a Persian cat easier.

  • Persian Cat Grooming

Care of your Persian. Taking care of the long, thick hair of your Persian cat is very important to maintain their beauty. Their thick and fluffy coat requires daily grooming. You need to comb your cat every day using a stainless steel comb so that it stays as healthy and as tangle-free as possible. You must comb your cat’s fur to untangle any knots. You must brush your cat’s fur from a young age so that your cat becomes used to it. If you furry friend gets dirty and needs a bath, make sure to comb your Persian cat thoroughly before bathing to avoid tangling their hair. You may trim the hair around the anal area to avoid feces from sticking to it. Combing is not only necessary for aesthetic reasons. If you don’t comb your cat’s hair, he/she may lick some of the dead hair and develop trichobezoars, also known as hairballs in the intestinal tract.

  • Nutritious Diet

Your four-legged friend deserves a nutritious, yet balanced diet. The diet determines the shine and thickness of their coat, as well as overall health. You may feed your furball only the food recommended by the breeder. However, it is noteworthy that Persian cats tend to gain weight easily because of their sedentary lifestyle. This may result in developing some health issues. So to keep your cat healthy, you should feed a healthy, balanced diet to your cat. Also, make sure that your cat indulges in some kind of play and physical activity.

  • Eye Cleaning

Your beloved feline is prone to teary eye syndrome. The peeked, flat face Persian cats have problems with eye drainage which is why we only breed dollfaced cats. You can clean your cat’s eyes with a cotton pad dipped in commercial eye cleaner. Gently put the moistened pad below the tear duct and the inner corner of the eye to remove the accumulated secretions.

  • Health Care

Persian cat breeds typically have a life span of ten to fifteen years and some may even live up to 20 years. Persian cats are indoor pets and should not venture outside of the house.  If you keep them clean, comb their fur, feed a healthy diet, and give them lots of love Persian cats soon become an important family member.

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